24% get a job or internship after a meeting through ÖppnaDörren
Research shows that the most effective way of getting settled in a new country is through job and language. However, in many cases a network is needed since 8 out of 10 job opportunities come about through contacts. The impact is considerable when established Swedes open their doors to newcomerse, 24% land a job or an internship after a meeting through ÖppnaDörren. This is shown in ÖppnaDörren’s recently published impact assessment.
The assessment shows that ÖppnaDörren leads to a distinct increase in jobs for foreign born. Furthermore, 81 % of those who have had a meeting set up by ÖppnaDörren say that their self-confidence improved or improved significantly. In total, 80 % state that the meeting has meant a lot for getting into Swedish society and as many as 65 % state that they’ve kept in touch after their first meeting. The figures speak for themselves – a meeting of just an hour has an impact on integration.

% got a job as a result from their meeting with a door opener.
% got an internship as a result from their meeting with a door opener.
% state that they have had the opportunity to meet more established Swedes after a cup of coffee at Kompisbyrån*.
“Our vision is to create a popular movement of door openers who can all contribute to a more open and inclusive Sweden. We use a simple method to get there: The door opener gives an hour of his or her time – we fill that hour with a meeting that could change another person’s life. Our mission is to create meetings between newcomers and established Swedes to widen their Networks. To see now that the work we’ve done since 2015 is actually paying off is fantastic.” – Amelie Silfverstolpe, initiator and head of operations at ÖppnaDörren.
% state that they understand Swedish society better after their first meeting arranged by Yrkesdörren.**
% have a better understanding of Swedish society after a dinner arranged by Invitations- departementet.*
% have improved self-confidence after a meeting for parents arranged by Svenska med baby.***
“Inclusivity in both the Swedish society and the labor market is still a major challenge for Sweden. Everybody has to collaborate – public sector, industry, NGO:s and private individuals – in order to find successful ways of tackling this challenge.” – Arantza Nino, Communications Manager, ÖppnaDörren.
*Nya Kompisbyrån was formed when Invitationsdepartementet and Kompisbyrån merged. It connects people who want to improve their Swedish with people who speak Swedish fluently, over a homemade dinner, a coffee or an activity. These everyday meetings lead to an increased understanding between culturally different individuals.
**Yrkesdörren matches new Swedes and established Swedes, with expertise from the same line of work. These meetings help broaden professional networks and speed up establishment in the job market.
***Svenska med Baby facilitates meetings between children and parents, from different residential areas and with different cultural backgrounds. Through accessible and open parent groups Svenska med baby works against segregation and for building new bridges and creating opportunities to improve your Swedish through conversation and laughter.