Human Nature 2022 – Dig where you stand
At the Human Nature seminar in 2022, Axfoundation gathered over 200 experts, influential thinkers, decision makers, entrepreneurs and doers at Torsåker Farm to address some of the most pressing sustainability challenges facing the planet today. With a research-based mindset, both Swedish and international speakers brought new and insightful ideas and creative solutions, all in line with the seminar theme: Dig where you stand.
Act to Inspire & Inspire to Act
Why do companies care about biodiversity – and how do you address the issue practically? What’s the trick to make unexpected collaborations in circular solutions flourish? Consumption and growth within planetary boundaries – how will this look like? These were some of the questions raised by moderator Johan Kuylenstierna together with speakers and guests at the seminar, all in the spirit of “Act to Inspire & Inspire to Act”. The video to the left summarizes how the seminar unfolded (in Swedish).

Anders Enetjärn, founder of Ecogain, and Carl Schlyter, campaign manager Greenpeace on stage with moderator Johan Kuylenstierna
About Human Nature
The Human Nature seminar is Axfoundation’s recurring event seminar that examines the human’s inner and outer nature, and nature itself. In the spirit of – Act to Inspire & Inspire to Act – researchers, decision-makers and practitioners gathers to address the big issues in sustainable development.
”Dig where you stand” was the ninth seminar and it was held on the 31st of May at Torsåker Farm, Axfoundation’s test farm and practical center for the sustainable food systems of the future. The seminar gathered over 200 guests including international and Swedish speakers.
Program and speakers
Johan Kuylenstierna, Moderator
Alexandre Antonelli, Royal Botanic Gardens
Anders Enetjärn, EcoGain
Carl Schlyter, Greenpeace
Caroline Berg, Chairman of the board Axel Johnson
Eva Karlsson, Houdini Sportswear
Lisa Lindström, EY and Doberman
Luca Berardi, WWF Sweden Youth
Madiha Saeed, The Good Talents
Maria Wolrath Söderberg, Södertörns Högskola
Niklas Laninge, PBM Sweden
Torgny Gunnarsson, Combient
Practical Solutions
At Human Nature 2022, Axfoundation shared some of the practical solutions in the fields of Future Food, Circular Economy and Sustainable Production & Consumption. During a tour of Torsåker Farm, Axfoundation’s center for future food, the guests were invited to listen, taste and feel the future of food while being introduced examples of complex sustainability challenges, concrete solutions and unexpected collaborations.
As the guests tasted the Swedish Legume Mince that Axfoundation developed together with researchers and chefs, Madeleine Linins Mörner (Program Director, Future Food) told the story about the legume cultivation project and how the work had unfolded: from pea to finished product. Maria Lundesjö (Project manager, Future Food) and Anna Westerbergh (Researcher, SLU) talked about the benefits of perennial grains while the audience tasted perennial wheat pizza from the farm’s bakery.
Hanna Hobohm Skoog and Johanna Behrman invited curious guests to touch and feel different kinds of Swedish wool and talked about the multiple problems it can solve but also of all the challenges it is facing, all of which are addressed in the project The Swedish Wool Initiative. ‘Slarvsylta’ on Swedish ewe was served – a rest product which is unused in today’s market.
Veronica Öhrvik (Project Manager, Future Food) and Mats Eriksson (the Swedish Inland Fishermen’s Federation SIC) shared experiences from the project Underutilized Fish Species, an initiative that explores how underutilised fish species can go from waste to plate. The guests also tasted the new bream fritters, a food innovation made from minced bream created by researchers, fishermen, chefs and food servcie actors in collaboration with Axfoundation.
Finally, when the rain started pouring down at Torsåker Farm, the participants sought shelter in the old warehouse to listen to Viveka Risberg and Stina Behrens share the latest from Axfoundation’s new Climate Education Tool – a free tool for suppliers that want to reduce their climate footprint.

Tour at Torsåker Farm to listen, taste and feel the future of food.

Maria Lundesjö (Project manager, Future food) on the benefits of perennial grains

Axfoundation shares practical solutions and unexpected collaborations.
The Future of Food on the Menu
Human Nature 2022 came to its close in the banquetting hall where guests gathered to taste innovative food from Torsåker Farm. At the farm, every guest becomes a part of Axfoundation’s test bed and during the night, new food innovations such as Sweden’s first green rainbow trout bred on circular based insect feed was put to the test. Behind the menu was Anna Henning Moberg, responsible for project development and the test kitchen at Torsåker Farm, together with Fredrik Karlsson, coordinator for the test kitchen and the experimental garden, as well as Jessie Sommarström, Sweden’s chef of ther Year 2022.

Experts, influential thinkers, decision makers, entrepreneurs and doers were gathered at Human Nature 2022

The guests taste pizza made from perennial wheat, grown at Torsåker Farm.

The future of food on the menu