A company's value chain accounts for 65-95% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is primarily in the supply chain that major emission reductions must occur. Knowledge about climate issues varies between companies in different countries and industries. Small and medium-sized enterprises generally face challenges in boosting climate competence and developing a climate culture within the organization. Meanwhile, stakeholders’ demands are increasing, and the need for transition is urgent. In this gap, Axfoundation saw a need for knowledge-enhancing efforts for companies that need to get started – or that want to encourage their suppliers to do so. The result was the Climate Education Tool, a free climate tool for companies in various industries.

I projektet Smarta loopar kartläggs hinder och nycklar för omställningen till mindre materialloopar av plast och textiler i Sverige. Utifrån ett antal fallstudier, däribland Axfoundations pågående initiativ Från avfall till mode utforskar vi om det är lönsamt att återvinna även små volymer av plast och textilier, som ger rätt kvalitet och känt innehåll. Projektet drivs av IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet i samarbete med ett flertal partners, däribland Axfoundation.


Smart loops

The project Smart Loops aimed to evaluate whether it is possible to have a specific...

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