Migrant workers in Thailand is a topic that engages Axfoundation due to the human rights risks the migrant workers are exposed to. Together with the food industry, Axfoundation formed The Nordic Initiative in 2017. The aim was to jointly raise the level of knowledge at supplier factories in Thailand so that trafficking, discrimination and other forms of abuse may be prevented and stopped. Through this initiative, nearly 2,500 employees and managers at 12 food-producing factories received rights training with the help of digital-learning tool Quizrr in 2016-2019. In addition, a remedy policy was developed, which serves to guide and support companies when alerted of human rights violations along the supply chain. In 2020, The Nordic Initiative expanded and changed its name to MOVE. Its goal is to develop similar training programs for migrant workers in several other markets.

Människans Natur - en seminarieserie av Axfoundation


Human Nature

Human Nature is a series of informal seminars where we adress noteworthy aspects of human...

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