Veronica Öhrvik

Veronica works within the program area Future Food and especially with projects related to Torsåker farm, Axfoundation's test farm and practical center for sustainable food systems.
Veronica is a Food Agronomist and holds a PhD in Food Science. Her thesis was about vitamin bioavailability, i.e. how the body absorbs vitamins. Veronica has also studied environmental communication in Sweden and Brazil and food technology in Germany.
She has worked for more than 10 years at the Swedish Food Agency and, among other things, carried out analytical projects of seafood. At the agency, she was also responsible for the Swedish food composition database. In recent years, Veronica has mainly worked as a project manager in the field of labelling and sustainability. Prior to that, Veronica worked for a shorter period with fish analyses at the Division for Meat and Fish Quality at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Veronica is a member of the OECD Food Chain Anlaytical Network and has been a reviewer for Formas - a Swedish Research Counsil for Sustainable Development.